div id=mm h3Divine Bitch: Mistress Lorelei Lee brSlave: Drake Templeh3 pI was fed up with slaveboys and handed the keys over to Mistress Lorelei Lee for an entire week! Mistress Lorelei Lee is a lifesaver and guest directed all my shoots that week! Upon my return I was completely amused by this video. You see, Ive seen Drake Temple types before. Hes the type of guy that acts to cool to be there but keeps coming back for more. Funny enough the way we found Drake Temple was because he skateboards with his hip crew out front The Armory. If his friends knew he was getting fucked like a little bitch and liking it within the walls of the castle steps that they board on the humiliation would be to much for this little pussyboy to handle. This makes every time Mistress Lorelei whips, clamps or strap-on fucks him more fun to watch! You can see his bad attitude turn into frustration over him battling his true feelings of submissiveness. I think I need to get my hands on this little pussy, bend him over my knee and give him the spanking he deserves.p h3Maitresses Evaluationh3 h4Goalsh4 ol liacceptancebr come to terms with submissive desiresbr li lihumiliationbr humble slavebr li lipleasurebr become useful for something li ol h4Closing assessmenth4 ul licute bad attitudeli liin over his headli lineeds total humiliationli liinteresting use of his mouth as a vibratorli li ul div

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div id=mm h3Divine Bitch: Mistress Lorelei Lee brSlave: Drake Templeh3 pI was fed up with slaveboys and handed the keys over to Mistress Lorelei Lee for an entire week! Mistress Lorelei Lee is a lifesaver and guest directed all my shoots that week! Upon my return I was completely amused by this video. You see, Ive seen Drake Temple types before. Hes the type of guy that acts to cool to be there but keeps coming back for more. Funny enough the way we found Drake Temple was because he skateboards with his hip crew out front The Armory. If his friends knew he was getting fucked like a little bitch and liking it within the walls of the castle steps that they board on the humiliation would be to much for this little pussyboy to handle. This makes every time Mistress Lorelei whips, clamps or strap-on fucks him more fun to watch! You can see his bad attitude turn into frustration over him battling his true feelings of submissiveness. I think I need to get my hands on this little pussy, bend him over my knee and give him the spanking he deserves.p h3Maitresses Evaluationh3 h4Goalsh4 ol liacceptancebr come to terms with submissive desiresbr li lihumiliationbr humble slavebr li lipleasurebr become useful for something li ol h4Closing assessmenth4 ul licute bad attitudeli liin over his headli lineeds total humiliationli liinteresting use of his mouth as a vibratorli li ul div

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